Hello Again! How was all of you're Christmas's? I decided I was going to make a list of everything I got. (I know it's more important to give, but I just wanted to make this list.) Then I thought I'd Make it into a Tag!! So here goes.
- 2 packs of 25 random Yugioh cards.
- Anniversary Pack of Ultra-Rare Limited Edition Cards Autographed by Kazuki Takashi.
- Spanish Triple Combination (Book of Mormon, D&C, Pearl of Great Price)
- The Tales of Beedle the Bard (With Commentary from Albus Dumbledore)
- Rubic's Revenge (4x4x4, It's much more difficult!)
- Prince Caspian (The Movie)
- Civilization IV (For Windows)
- Adobe Photoshop and Premiere Elements 7
- Lego Indiana Jones (For windows, but our computer is too slow to handle it.)
- Olympic Binoculars
- Pedometer (Mom's Challenging me to see which of us will take the most steps this year. ???)
- Lego Star Wars II (For all the kids)
- Yahtzee Game Pen (OK...)
- Pencils
- Subway Gift Card (One just opened right by our house)
- 30 Presidential Gold Dollars (Including Barack Obama)
- Ticket to Ride (That's a Board Game)
- They Might Be Elders, by Quorum of the Rock (They take popular songs and make them into Mormon Songs)
- The Complete Guitar Players Songbook (I don't know how to play the guitar yet... My class doesn't start till 3rd Quarter.)
- The Mormon Guitar Songbook
- First Aid Kit (another one)
- Yarn and Needles (I got put in Crochet Homeroom, might as well use the skill)
- A new Back Pack (David (or Panda, as some know him) Busted my other one(not on purpose though, so I'm not going to hold that against him))
- Star Wars Miniatures The Clone Wars Starter Set. (Now I have 2 Starter sets)
- Toothbrushes (Of course)
- And of Course, Candy! (Mmm... White Chocolate Orange. Those of you who know me well know that I LOVE White Chocolate.)
Anyway, I tag Daniel, Evan, Jeremiah, Matt, Elizabeth, And Linc and Hari. And there is nothing wrong with being tagged! You guys are always talking about how you have nothing to write on your blogs, and then you get mad at me when I tag you!
(P.S. No, I did not get a Barack Obama Coin. Those haven't been made yet.)
(P.P.S. My computer didn't explode, Evan. Looks like your "Tagging Virus" didn't work)