
It is my privilege to be a part of a Jeremiah Pena film, Assassin.

I thought I would use this place to share some fun secrets about the film.
1. You'll notice in the first scene in the basement, as the Assassin is trying to get up from the ground, the package from "Code Name Tiger" (The stuffed tiger) is sitting there against the desk.
2. Since it's not as obvious as we tried to make it, the Assassin's accent changes through the film.
3. In the first chase through the kitchen, their are only the two people. However, in the second on (With the backup assassin and the wanted man) there's another person, sitting at the table, reading the newspaper. It's Jeremiah's Dad!
4. Yes, the guns are made from blocks. The first time Ryan (the kid) threw the big ball at me, it hit the gun and shattered it. It was pretty epic.
5. The scene were he jumps out from behind the curtains screaming was actually not in the plan. In fact, we had no idea how he was going to get out of being surrounded. But during the first take, Me and Elizabeth ran into the room and he wasn't there. Jeremiah was confused, too. "Ryan's supposed to be on the scene!" Then he jumps screaming out of the curtains, we all jump, and we decided to put that in the movie. Of course, we re-did the scene because we were laughing too hard. (And because Elizabeth went all "Flying Ninja" on me at first.)
6. If you look really, really closely (Maybe more so then is possible) the order of blocks in my gun changes because it keeps braking.
7. The cell phone that Ryan uses is the same one that he uses in the film "Bounty Hunter"
That's all I can think of right now. It was awesome making this!

