
(I think that's how you pluralize hi... It doesn't seem grammatically correct, but His doesn't make sense and Hies lookes wierd.) It's been too long since I've posted, so... Yeah.

In these two weeks- that's 9 days- I've been to Science class 3 times. (Or will be. I'm counting the rest of this week.) It's kinda interesting, but everything is during 3rd period...

Oh yeah! I haven't mentioned how Solo and Ensamble went! So, I mentioned that the original plan was to do and duet with Paige and do a solo, but Paige still has no voice. (Actually I think by now it's mostly back.) So she canceled most of her numbers, except for one or two. So that was off... But I still tried out my Solo, and it made it on to District! So that's where I'll be on Thursday.

On Friday we have the talent show, and I'm performing "Make My Day" with my guitar. I'm excited, and a little nervous just because I'm not sure how good I really am, and I'm afraid I'm not going to do the song credit.

I got to go to church with Aerin and Steph on Sunday. It was awesome. I love those guys...


Jeremiah said...

No, no! You can't pluralize hi! It's not possible in The Real Japan!

Jarom said...

We're not in the Real Japan!
