
Just because my camera broke is no reason to stop posting. (By the way, my watch broke too... :(   )

Since I suck epicly at this, let's start at last Thursday.

Last Thursday was the BYU Language Fair. Every year, they do a fair where they have activities for foreign language students. I know they do Spanish, German, and French. The Spanish kids, being the coolest, get the Wilkeson center and the buildings around the courtyard. They had a bunch of different events we competed in, such as Show and Tell, Skits, Language Bowl, Humorous Stories, all in Spanish. My events were Poetry and Impromptu Conversation. For poetry I had to memorize this poem and recite it:

Lázaro, por Jose Asunción Silva

"¡Ven, Lázaro!" -gritóle
el Salvador, y del sepulcro negro
el cadáver alzóse entre el sudario,
ensayó caminar, a pasos trémulos,
olió, palpó, miró, sintió, dio un grito
y lloró de contento.

Cuatro lunas más tarde, entre las sombras
del crepúsculo oscuro, en el silencio
del lugar y la hora, entre las tumbas
de antiguo cementerio,
Lázaro estaba, sollozando a solas
y envidiando a los muertos.

It's a strange poem... Here's what it means with Jose's lining, which I don't like all too much, but oh well.

"Come, Lazarus!" cried out
the Savior! And from the black seplechre,
the corpse rose among the shroud.,
he tried to walk, trembling steps
he smelt, he felt, he saw, he felt, he gave a yell
and cried with joy!

Four moons later, among the shadows
of the dark twilight, in the silence
of the place and the time, among the tombs
of the ancient cemetary,
Lazarus was weeping alone,
and envying the dead.

Yep. I got an "Excellent". Upstairs was Españolandia. For those of you who are uninformed, that roughly translates to "Spanish Land". There were a bunch of booths where you got stamps. We've been preparing for a month so we would know what to say no matter what they asked us. It was really fun.

So our Language Bowl team, which consisted of Hannah, Lindsey, Riley, Isaac... and someone else... daggett... anyways, they got first place. WOO! Then at the very end of the fair they counted up all of the Superior ratings that each school got and gave out trophies. And guess what? WE GOT THE GRAND PRIZE! That's right, Midvale Middle School won the whole Language Fair. To sorta let you know how much that means, we had High Schools and Middle Schools from all over Utah, plus a few from Idaho, and one from Oregon. YAY FOR MIDVALE!

