Hey'all! I'm back. Trying to post regularly, but can't think of much to post. I don't want to be boring. So lately, I just finished Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (best game ever) for the second time. And I've been working on a timeline for the Zelda World, because that fascinates me. And me and Matt came up with an idea for a new Zelda game called The Shadow War . For those of you who don't know, I'm a Zelda nut. I love the Legend of Zelda Games, because they are so fun. (And for other reasons that I can't seem to put into words and logical statements that would make sense to anyone but me.) Notice my blog's mouse? I thought that was pretty cool. I've got a whole set of them on my computer. (Ok, so it's not my computer. Oh well.) So I think I might use my Superplex website to post my timeline and game ideas.
I just remembered something else I can talk about- The Temple Celebration! I'm really excited for that. We get to be part of this HUGE celebration for the Draper and Oquirrh Mountain Temples. I'm part of the choir, and I've been asked to help by taking pictures of the practices for the DVD they'll make of it. There's also a blog about it, if you want it- http://templecelebration.blogspot.com/
The Legend of Zelda
PI Day!
As you can see (I think...) I have a Pi background. Why? Because Sturday is Pi Day! 3-14. Why celebrate Pi? Well, not only do you celebrate Pi, you celebrate Pie, too! And who doesn't like pie? Alot of kids are trying to see if they can be the one who can memorize the most digits of Pi. others are bringing Pie to class. I personally am doing the latter, as memorized a hundred random numbers doesn't appeal to me. How many digits to you know? I know 10.
Random Happenings
Hello, all! I'm back again. I think people have stopped reading my blog... How sad! I hope I'm not boring you all. Anyway... anyone remember my iQuest? It was sorta like a palm pilot I got in 5th grade. It had a basic calculator, a dictionary, a notepad, and an address book. Well... It died! Pulled it out to look up a word, and the screen was cracked and there was LED all over the inside... luckily none spilled out. I showed a couple of people, and one said... "I'm suprised it lasted this long!" Another said "That was that thing that you would pull out when a teacher asked a question and you would look up the word and we'd all be like 'ulll' " ..... Well, at least I know my friends are honest!
Hi this is Robby, Jarom's brother. I got a account on Runescape. Jarom comeing got to go, bye!
Hey! Well... I could delete that, but I won't. Robby won't stop talking about Runescape. He hasn't even had it for a day! Anyway... I can't think of anything else... So I'll end with a poem that I found humourous!
70% of the things you learn take place before you're 4
The other 30% takes 70 years, which explains why schools a bore.