Hilarious Videos

These made me laugh so hard! Hope you enjoy!

SolarFlare Productions

Okay, I finally made up my mind. I am changing the name of JTN Productions, because I decided it wasn't creative and maybe a bit egotistical. The new name of JTN Productions is now

SolarFlare Productions

As such, and since I really fail at graphic art as of now, I'm going to have a contest. I'm going to try to enter too, though, so you have to make something I like more then what I make. (That shouldn't be hard...) I want everyone to try and make me a new logo for SolarFlare. Try to make a simple logo (The kind that might be shown when you turn a video game on.), a Desktop background, and a flag I can put at the bottom of this blog. The prize will be to have your name featured as the winner in a post on the blog, as well as having it permanantly placed as the artist for the banner that will be at the bottom. (I know that's not really much of a prize... But this is a challenge, to beat everyone else.)


Happenings of Late

Last Saturday was a Region Dance. Kimber just turned 14, and so this was her first dance. I got her a nice necklace for her birthday and gave it to her at the dance, and she really liked it. (She also liked how it tinkled when she jumped and moved. She's so funny.) Maya was also there with Jeremiah, and Rachel O. was there with Allie because they had spent the day together reviewing APHG stuff. (If you're uninformed, APHG = Advanced Placement Human Geography. Or AP Human Geography. Or APHG. Whatever floats your boat.)

Monday was my mom's birthday. I got her a canvas thing that said "When I count my blessings, I count you Twice." After school we went to see "How to Train your Dragon." I really liked it. It was cool. I'm thinking I can do some research on how much of the movie was based on research, and how much was just popular and fabricated ideas. But there's actually not much known about the vikings and stuff, as most of their mythological records were destroyed, so who knows.

Tuesday we had a field trip to the Zoo. It was pretty fun. For an assignment, we were observing the Gorilla, and this zookeeper comes out and says "I'm about to feed the animals. Anyone want to help me?" Naturally, our group jumps on that. She gave Cory a big burlap sack and says "Just chuck that in there over by the gorilla, sorta up the hill." So he does, the gorilla hears it plunk and grabs it. Then he drags it up to the top of the hill and dumps out a ton of vegetables, like lettuce and broccoli heads. She gave the same thing to Riley to throw to the Orangutan. She also gave them a bottle full of frozen water with carrots suspended in there. (I think they were carrots... They were orange, at least.) She told us that the gorilla would wait until it melted, drink the water and eat the carrots. The orangutan, on the other hand, would rip the bottle open and then break the ice, picking out the carrots and sucking on ice chunks. So I had fun going to the Zoo with all of my friends. :D

Tuesday night was the Honor Choir Concert. On the way over there, I get a call from Jason (Who had left in the middle of the school day) And he frantically says "Jarom! I totally forgot about the Concert! Can you give me a ride??"

How do you forget about a concert you're in?

So we went and got him, and of course ended up in traffic on the way there, arriving 15 minutes late. (West Jordan Construction Traffic... Geez.) But everything went really well.

Wednesday night we had mutual, but I had planned to leave early to get some stuff done. After all, we were just playing basketball. But I convinced myself to stay for one game, and promptly slammed into Carl as he was turning around and landed badly on my elbow, hip, and knee. So I limped home, and I still have a little bit of a limp (Not too much) and it hurts to put my elbow on the counter.

Good Going, Jarom.
Hey, you be quiet. I thought I'd get some exercise, you know. It wasn't like I was playing basketball when I should have been doing homework becasue I wanted to, I decided I should stay with my quorum for some exercise because I've been skipping out on them lately because of how much homework I have.

So yeah. That's my happenings of late.

Career Day

I'm in the computer lab at school right now, because Evan needs to retake part of the Computer Tech Test-Out (That I already passed. I was the first one! Yays!) And I wanted to come work on my Final Cut that I never got to work in Bradfield's Lab, but for some reason they are now taking the test in the computer lab. (We have five labs- the Tech Lab (Bradfield's) The Shop Lab (Cuavas') The Computer Lab, The Writing Lab, and the Library Lab.) So I'm in here doing this. Maybe I'll read my APHG book. After this.

So what's happened lately? Well, Friday was Career Day. It started with a thing in the auditorium, where we had Roger Malaga come and talk to us about his career. He is a dancer and actor, and he was the coreographer for High School Musical. He had a dance off, with some of the best dancers in the 9th grade- McKayla Whitehead, Maya Arzola, Marissa McQuinn, Diego... something, and Jacob Virgin. He did it to show us sorta what Auditions were like. And the winner was... JACOB! Yeah! You can see him dancing in this low quality video from last year's Talent Show.

After that we spereated and went to different classes. My first one was Computers, and that wasn't really that interesting. Then was Engineering, which was cool because he showed us a bunch of things that he worked with, like special metals and plastics and such. Then was Military, and a woman from the Air Force came and talked to us. She was a recruiter, so obviously she showed us all the advantages of joining the Air Force. It was pretty interesting.


Just because my camera broke is no reason to stop posting. (By the way, my watch broke too... :(   )

Since I suck epicly at this, let's start at last Thursday.

Last Thursday was the BYU Language Fair. Every year, they do a fair where they have activities for foreign language students. I know they do Spanish, German, and French. The Spanish kids, being the coolest, get the Wilkeson center and the buildings around the courtyard. They had a bunch of different events we competed in, such as Show and Tell, Skits, Language Bowl, Humorous Stories, all in Spanish. My events were Poetry and Impromptu Conversation. For poetry I had to memorize this poem and recite it:

Lázaro, por Jose Asunción Silva

"¡Ven, Lázaro!" -gritóle
el Salvador, y del sepulcro negro
el cadáver alzóse entre el sudario,
ensayó caminar, a pasos trémulos,
olió, palpó, miró, sintió, dio un grito
y lloró de contento.

Cuatro lunas más tarde, entre las sombras
del crepúsculo oscuro, en el silencio
del lugar y la hora, entre las tumbas
de antiguo cementerio,
Lázaro estaba, sollozando a solas
y envidiando a los muertos.

It's a strange poem... Here's what it means with Jose's lining, which I don't like all too much, but oh well.

"Come, Lazarus!" cried out
the Savior! And from the black seplechre,
the corpse rose among the shroud.,
he tried to walk, trembling steps
he smelt, he felt, he saw, he felt, he gave a yell
and cried with joy!

Four moons later, among the shadows
of the dark twilight, in the silence
of the place and the time, among the tombs
of the ancient cemetary,
Lazarus was weeping alone,
and envying the dead.

Yep. I got an "Excellent". Upstairs was Españolandia. For those of you who are uninformed, that roughly translates to "Spanish Land". There were a bunch of booths where you got stamps. We've been preparing for a month so we would know what to say no matter what they asked us. It was really fun.

So our Language Bowl team, which consisted of Hannah, Lindsey, Riley, Isaac... and someone else... daggett... anyways, they got first place. WOO! Then at the very end of the fair they counted up all of the Superior ratings that each school got and gave out trophies. And guess what? WE GOT THE GRAND PRIZE! That's right, Midvale Middle School won the whole Language Fair. To sorta let you know how much that means, we had High Schools and Middle Schools from all over Utah, plus a few from Idaho, and one from Oregon. YAY FOR MIDVALE!



Epic Sadness. :( :( :(

Isn't it funny how we don't actually realize how much we like something until it's gone? I'm cameraless, and each moment I'm without I'm missing an oppurtunity I could document... (Not that I haven't missed oppurtunities before... I'm kinda bad at that. :P )

It's symptoms are somewhat strange, actually. Everything is working just fine... except the shutter button. That's right, the button that takes pictures isn't doing anything. I'm not getting an error message, the camera just doesn't know I'm pressing down the button! It's so strange!

So, yeah. I'll get back to you on that...


Guess what?? My dad just told me... He talked a little about it earlier, and I said I was interested, but I didn't think he'd actually do it! He signed me up with a group that's going to Spain for a month, so that I can try to improve my spanish. He's going with us, because he's a fluent speaker. I'm really excited! But I'm also kinda nervous, because I'm supposed to be speaking only spanish for the whole month, and I still can't speak fluently. I have to think about each phrase and congagate each verb before I say it... so I'm really slow. :P So I'll be doing that in July. Yay!

A Month, Gone Missing!

Now that my blog is officially out of date, I thought I'd do a post... and for the record, yes, my title is actually one I've used before.

So... I don't know if I actually want to go back and review it all. Couple of key things, I guess...

Been doing lots of Choir stuff. We had our concert last week, where we did our festival songs (O Magnum Mysterium, Duerme Negrito, and Hold On!) and our Disney Spectacular. I've had a lot of fun so far in choir. For our next concert we're doing a Rock Concert. We're going to have a band, and we're combining Midvale Concert and Mixed Choirs with Mount Jordan Concert and Mixed Choirs, because Mr. Smith teaches both schools. Some people aren't so happy about that. Should be interesting... Anyway, most of the songs we're doing are Beatles songs. The problem with doing a rock concert is that he wants us to do it at about the same level the songs are originally in... which means falsetto. Either I'm doing falsetto wrong, or it's normal that I can't sing more then two songs without feeling dizzy. This is going to be interesing...

It's Spring Break, and their snow on the ground outside. Oximoronic? Maybe. Welcome to Utah. Greatest Land on earth, even if it's not the greatest weather. Oh, sunlight, where are you?

Okay, I actually just went and opened the blinds, and it's sunny outside, so hopefully the snow won't stay for too long... Yay for sunlight!

I'm going to try to post more often, so that I don't have to skip so many things again. There's just so much homework to be done, I just felt overwhelmed. But I'll try to keep you all updated.
