7 Days is too long... Says I.

I haven't posted in 7 days, so I need to.

Let's see... what's happened this week? Not much, really... and yet so much, really.

Last night we had a dodgeball tournament against the fifth ward. Before it even started, when Brielle heard about it, she said "Oh, you guys are getting creamed." Thanks for the support... I think she jinxed us. We only won one game... And Tori and Brielle were shocked when we told them that. :P But it was SO much fun.

Today we had the Power in You assembly. As ambassador, I got to run across the stage with a chalkboard that we had taped the Power in You banner to. :P But we'll actually get to plan and conduct the next few assemblies. We had Chris (Crap, what was his last name?) From Real Salt Lake come and be our MC. We had this guy from Ghana come and play and sing a song with his bongos (I think it was traditional from Africa... the language sounded African, but I don't know for sure so I don't want to say that I do... but I'm pretty sure.) Then talk about how he overcame trials. The Power in You is all about having confidence in yourself, and all you need to succeed is the Power in You.

For Solo and Ensemble, which is in 3 weeks, I'm doing a duet with Paige. Some of you have already heard about this. But we decided what song we wanted to do- Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. It's really a beautiful song, one I've always liked. We went over it for the first time today. Paige is really a beautiful singer. And of all things, while we were singing, she said I had a great voice! I laughed. Anyways, I'm thinking this is going to be really beautiful in the end.

The highlight of my day today was Seminary. We decided to have a testimony meeting today, just randomly, and it was really spiritual. People were crying everywhere, the people who didn't like doing things like this were getting up and bearing their hearts, it was all very deep. Afterwards I was so full of love, and telling everyone how much I loved them. I was standing outside the building talking to Roscoe, and Paige just walks up and gives me a hug. Paige is really sweet. It just makes me think of how great my friends are.

There's one particular person I need to raise my hat to, today. So here's to Roscoe!

You are awesome! Thanks for being such a great friend, an awesome person, and a great spirit. I think you really have a gift- you have a strong spirit, and you can use that spirit to make people happy, make people smile, and make people laugh. Thank you for your awesome testimony. I am so glad to have you as a friend.

I love you all!

I Think that Made Up for my Crappy Weekend... Maybe...

Heyo, all! Bytheway, my weekend wasn't all crap, because I finally got my Learner's Permit! After standing in line... for 3 housr... Thanks to all of you who kept me entertained via texting. :P

I'm feeling quite good today, because I had an awesome day yesterday! First was my first day of Guitar. I have it with Prachi, one of my friends, and Claire Kirkland, who I hope to make my friend. (Rachel laughed at me when I said that...) And Kia, who no longer hates me. Actually, when she saw me she was like "Hey! Are we going to be on better terms this year?" and I laughed and said "I'd like that."

In seminary (Which was actually before guitar, because it's 0 period) I got kicked out of my seat because by the time I showed up, Marrissa had taken it. I liked that seat... not only was it the prime seat (Right in the middle of the first row, right in front of Brother Staples) but I had gotten to like sitting next to Paige. She's such a strong spirit. But I got the seat next to her in Spanish. I don't really get to see her spirit as much... but at least I get to see her smile.

Next up was Biology, which I now have a ton of friends in. 4th is Geography, which is now kind of boring because we have half as many people and it's really quiet... Oh yeah, that reminds me! My new enrichment homeroom is Study Hall with Mr. Stucki. There's 70 people in that class. I sit on the floor next to Rachel. It's quite entertaining...

Lunch, Saunders, Language, all the same... Well, actually, on Friday I met this really nice girl named Alex, who apparently is in ALPS and in all the same classes at me, just at differant times... and we both felt kind of stupid because even though we're both 9th grade ALPS, neither of us had even heard of the other one... But now I have homeroom and Language with her. So I'm looking forward to becoming her friend.

7th period, best period of the day (For now, at least. Guitar hasn't even taken off yet.) Concert Choir! It is SO fun! Ha ha... although I didn't start it off really well. I was feeling all hyper, and I sat next to Matthew, but then I noticed that Paige was sitting in the corner by herself. She smiled at me, and I got up and tried to jump over Matthew's bag, and my foot snagged on my jeans, and I went down on my knees, and I could hear Paige go "Oh!" but I just jumped back up and smiled and walked over and said "Hey!" And she's like surprised, and like "Umm... are you okay?" "Yep. Why you sitting over here? Come sit with us!" It was kind of funny. But apparently we have 2 performances in the next two weeks, and I have to memorize all the music that half the class already has as well as some dances. Yay! And one of the performances is for a assembly that I had no idea about... That I'm supposed to be helping to PLAN...

Speaking of planning, the teacher's were in charge of Combined last night, which means I was in charge. We gave each group a scripture and made them find the meaning and then make a skit applying the meaning to real life. It was way fun. I invited Kimber and she came with Raechel, so we had a lot of fun. Afterwards we were walking home, and then I suggested we go to my house, but Kimber said her mom might not like that, so we stopped at a corner to talk about it. We ended up just spending half an hour hanging out at that corner... And it was one of the funnest things I've done this year. (All 21 days of it.)

So, Tribute time! Here's to Kimber!

Thanks for being such an awesome friend! You're so nice, and so sweet. I really enjoy talking with you and hanging out with you. Thanks for everything you do for me!

I would do one to Raechel too, but I already have. http://gamemasterjt.blogspot.com/2009/12/raechel.html I added a little to it, though, and she made me change the picture. She didn't think the last one was good.

Thanks to both of you!


Finishing up my Qs, I was thinking about the poetic lyric thing I mentioned a while back. I thought I might do it again. This is one of my favorite songs- More, by Kenneth Cope. I basically took his words, and alligned them, adding punctuation, all to maximize the meaning of the words. Enjoy.

More Steady, More Sure.
More Trusted, More Pure.
Some say it doesn't matter.

More trained and more aware,
More aim to get me there.
I climb this far,
You raise the bar!
You want my heart.

More Fierce Desire
To Stand against the wind!
More Blazing Fire
When Dark is closing in!
A more love-inspired change within,
So there's more and more of me to give.

More words to learn and know,
More etched upon my soul.
Some say it doesn't matter.

More Trite,
More True.
Less me,

And much more You.
I stretch this Tall!
You sound the Call!

You want my All.

More Fierce Desire
To stand against the wind!
More Blazing Fire
When Dark is closing in!
A more love-inspired change within.
You keep
Reaching out, you're calling out to me!

For more strength in shoulders,
To Face the War with sin!
More wise and bolder,
To Save the Souls of men!
A more Faithful Soldier to the end!
You want more and more of me to give.

More and more of me to give.
More, More,
More and more of me to give!

More Love!
More Light!
More Purpose!
More Serve with all my Might!
I need more Hope!
More Faith!
More Patience,
Each day I Pray for More,
More and more of me to give!

More Fire!
More Zeal!
More Spirit,
To know what's real!
More courage!
More joy!
More and more of me, to give!

More Grateful!
More True!
More Humble
To trust,
And do you call?
I hear!

I walk the path that's set in stone,
My heart is fixed on getting home!
And what on earth could ever matter more?

More and more of me, to give.

Random, but okay.

Yeah, but you know, the bad guys just have this certain tangy flavor to them, a kick. I think they taste so much better then those goody two-shoes who come around waving magic swords or light coming out of their faces.

Yeah, but you know, the good guys have this certain uberness to them, this infinitely epic quality. I prefer them to those punks who think themselves all bad.

Yeah, sometimes the baddies are lacking in epicness. But that makes them easier to catch, right?

I s'pose.


It is my privilege to be a part of a Jeremiah Pena film, Assassin.

I thought I would use this place to share some fun secrets about the film.
1. You'll notice in the first scene in the basement, as the Assassin is trying to get up from the ground, the package from "Code Name Tiger" (The stuffed tiger) is sitting there against the desk.
2. Since it's not as obvious as we tried to make it, the Assassin's accent changes through the film.
3. In the first chase through the kitchen, their are only the two people. However, in the second on (With the backup assassin and the wanted man) there's another person, sitting at the table, reading the newspaper. It's Jeremiah's Dad!
4. Yes, the guns are made from blocks. The first time Ryan (the kid) threw the big ball at me, it hit the gun and shattered it. It was pretty epic.
5. The scene were he jumps out from behind the curtains screaming was actually not in the plan. In fact, we had no idea how he was going to get out of being surrounded. But during the first take, Me and Elizabeth ran into the room and he wasn't there. Jeremiah was confused, too. "Ryan's supposed to be on the scene!" Then he jumps screaming out of the curtains, we all jump, and we decided to put that in the movie. Of course, we re-did the scene because we were laughing too hard. (And because Elizabeth went all "Flying Ninja" on me at first.)
6. If you look really, really closely (Maybe more so then is possible) the order of blocks in my gun changes because it keeps braking.
7. The cell phone that Ryan uses is the same one that he uses in the film "Bounty Hunter"
That's all I can think of right now. It was awesome making this!



The music created by Jeremiah Pena has now been put on my Amazing List!!!!

It's a bit differant then the others, because it didn't literally make my jaw drop. But I just couldn't let that get in the way of it, especially after his newest song, "Overtaken". I listened to this song, and it just filled me with emotion. Tragedy, Anguish, it was absolutely amazing. I ended up writing a peom to it, just thoughts that came as I listened to the song, and I think it's pretty good. You can find it on my poems page, under the name Overtaken.

The list so far:

1. McKayla Whitehead's dance.
2. Aerin Loizos's singing.
3. Rachel Kirkland's spelling. (It's wierd, but true)
4. Rachel Davis's drawing.
5. Jeremiah Pena's music.

ALWAYS BE AMAZING! That's one of my mottos. And Jeremiah definately has achieved it. Good work with everything, and continue to create your wonderful music!


I hope I don't get back into the habit of not posting. That would be bad. No bueno. Me gusta que yo puedo hablar espanol poco bien. Y yo nesicito hablar en espanol con mi padre antes manana...

Yeah. So. Anywho.

I can't believe I haven't been posting, especially this week when there were things to post!

So... Winter Break, IN REVIEW!

Monday, we went sledding with Tami and Scott and Connor. (My relatives from California, if you haven't been following this since July.) And then we went to Grandma's house.

Tuesday, after a day of homework, I went to Kat's house for a party with her, Quin, Sam, Justin, Nick, Max, and Sadee. It was fun. I need to hank out with some of them more often. :P

Wednesday, again with the homework. I was going to go to mutual, but instead we went to Grandparent's one more time.

Thursday, homework, and then NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE! Woo! It was Jeremiah's first dance, and he had a lot of fun. He he... he didn't expect to dance with anyone. But 6 girls asked him! It was pretty awesome.

Friday... I think I only did homework on Friday... but I got a lot done.

Saturday, after finishing Dracula and my paper on it, I went Ice Skating with Elizabeth, Jeremiah, and Calvin. It was fun... even though I failed... And it didn't help that they were all really good. But then we went home and played Mario and Sonic... and had a 1 1/2 hour game of curling because Calvin decided we needed 4 end matches. :P

Sunday, first Sunday of the year. 9:00 church, the fast offerings, then going home, then band practice for wednesday, then going home, then Dead Prophet's Society, then going to bed.

This week, I had a Young Men's Recognition dinner on wednesday, where I had to play my guitar and... I kinda failed... Brother McEntyre is supposed to upload the video of it to YouTube, then I'll post it maybe.

So, yeah. That's my life. How's yours? Joyous, I hope.
