
Hello, Y'all! I cannot believe I haven't posted is so long. You guys need to yell at me more to post like I do to you. I mean, there's been alot of things happening lately, but I've been too lazy to talk about them. This post was actually written a week ago and I'm just posting it now. (Except for these last 3 sentances.) I was trying to think of what to talk about because my brain is dead right now from being tired, singing to loud, and doing too much homework. But I thought I'd talk about books- Whatcha Reading? Latley I've read alot- I'll start with The Key to Rondo. It's another book by Emily Rodda, author of the Deltora series, and the Rowan of Rin Series. She's one of my favorites, and this new book was really good.

I've also read the fourth book of Fablehaven, Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary. I really like that series- anyone who enjoys fantasy would, I think. If you don't enjoy fantasy, you won't enjoy this. After that I read Pedragon Before the War Book Three of the Travelers It's a Side series to the Pedragon series (Which is really good- Book Ten comes out in May!) about the Travelers before they met the main character, Bobby Pendragon.

Then I read Slathbog's Gold Which is the First book in the Adventurers Wanted Series. I thought this was a Great book and I'm kinda annoyed that the sequal doesn't come out for a year. Then I read Farworld: Water Keep which was good, not really good but still fun. Then I read Pillage by Obert Skye, same author as Leven Thumps. And that's it for the books I've been reading lately. If you have any good sugestions (Besides Ender's Game, I already have that on my list) comment here!


Garrett Matthews said...

If your planning on reading Ender's Game, I know a book you might like. It's by the author who created the sci-fi genre, but I can't remember his name, this wasn't the first book he wrote, but it's good. When I read it, I kinda think that's where Orson Scott Card got his ideas for Ender, which I might add, is an amazing book, it's called Star Ship Troopers, I enjoyed it, and if you like Ender, I think you will too.
