
Two Months?? TWO MONTHS?!? Wow, I fail.

Hey, all, (If there's anyone left...) Sorry I suck at posting... And reading... And just blogging in general... Yeah, I don't know why I just plain haven't gotten on here in so long.

What's been going on lately? Well, I've been working on my new story (Slowly, when I have time on the computer.) I've been working on music and tweeting poetry (Yes, yes, I know some of it is depressing.) I've been spending time with Amazing friends and coming to terms with my mind. (Finally.)

So I'm going to try and post more often now. Thanks to you who still read this... Though after such a spectacular fail, I don't know if there are any.


Garrett Matthews said...

You don't know? Don't know what, any candy... mmm... candy... Styx... fun... weirdness hyper time... :D

Annalisa said...

smiles from the great state of cali, may our sunshine reach your happy mind.

Oldewindmill said...

You don't suck at blogging. I suck at blogging.
