I had an AWESOME weekend!!!! It's Monday now, and I am still happy and elated from it!!!
Friday night was my big Birthday Party. A bunch of friends came (I wanted to invite more, but I decided 20 was chaotic enough. And lo and behold, I was right. Except "chaotic" was an understatement.) It was lots of fun. We played big group games like Murderer and stuff, and we had lots of fun! It was kinda funny to see the clash between my Nerd Friends and my church friends (Or as they call them, "The Girls" because the two guys that came from my ward fit right in with the others, meanwhile the girls sorta made their own group at one end of the circle.)
He he... One of the games we played was where you had to close your eyes and find someone and guess who it was based on their head. I thought this picture was pretty funny. That's Roscoe trying to guess Rachel.
So then Saturday night I went with Evan to Region Dance at the Oquirrh Stake Center. This is the first dance I've gone to willingly. "Big Steps." As my friend would say. *Laugh* Anyway, I had TONS of fun. It was way awesome. I can't believe I haven't wanted to go to one of these until now! We danced and ran and laughed with all our friends for 3 hours!! I got to dance with Tori, Rylee, Brielle, and Lexi C. I also saw Kyrstin, who I haven't seen in at least 2 years!
Something I thought was kinda cool, was that I got to dance with Tori to one of my new favorite songs! It's called "Fireflies", and it's by the band Owl City. I hadn't heard of either of them until last week, when my friend Cailey told me I should listen to it on YouTube. I did, and I loved it.
All right. Well, that's my awesome weekend. I hope you guys had some fun, too!
Happy Birthday! Glad you had a good weekend!
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