Aerin's Baptism

Okay, so I have done a horrid job of blogging Because of the California pictures. But I'm going to try to pull it back up. This post was actually written a week or so ago, but It's just being posted now.

Saturday, the 11th of June, I had the privilege of seeing my good friend Aerin's Baptism. (And her sister, Steph, who I kinda know.) I was really excited for it ever since I learned she was getting baptised. (I keep wanting to spell Baptised with a z...) It was kinda funny when so many of her friends from Midvale showed up they had to move us into the Chapel. Besides me, Trevin, Luke, and Riley, showed up, along with a bunch of ninth graders that I only know as faces and names. We took up a whole pew.

It was really spiritual, even (and especially) when Steph couldn't think of what to say as she bore her testimony. Afterwards a line formed as Aerin gave out hugs and received gifts. I held back to wait until there were less people, and by the time I got up to her, she had so many gifts she could barely hug me and take mine. But she did, and then kept receiving people. I followed the other Trojans to the other room, thinking she'd be behind us. Five minutes later, she had barely moved five feet! Later she said that was because "Everybody wanted pictures!"

So I'll do another tribute here. Here's to Aerin!

Thanks for being such a fun friend! Thanks for your testimony, and your excitement, and the spirit you bring, especially when you sing!
And Thanks for the new motto. This is something I think I knew all along, but you helped me realize it.
Purity is



Oldewindmill said...

If she's from Midvale, I do not recognize her. Was she grade 8 or 9 last year?

Jarom said...

9. She's in high school now.
