Harry Potter and the Lightning Theif

Saturday, July 18th: We went and saw Harry Potter 6 today with my grandparents. It was really good. I thought it was funny, and my mom laughed through the whole thing. They left out one of the coolest parts, where Dumbledore's Army and the Aurors come to Hogwarts and Fight the Death Eaters! They just had the Death Eaters show up, kill Dumbledore, and leave. It was kinda lame.
I almost missed the first part of it, though, because I was so excited for the Lightning Thief Movie!!

I loved that book! I recently read The Last Olympian, and then my friend Brielle asked if she could borrow it (and then return it to the library). I took it over to her house, and then later that same day, I got a call from Sister Michaelis asking if she could borrow it! "It's a wanted book." She said after I told her Brielle had borrowed it. (If your name is spelled wrong, sorry.) I can't wait for the movie. Another funny story: The other day, I told Brielle about the movie, and the first thing she said was "They better not mess this one up!"


Oldewindmill said...

CHRIS COLUMBUS IS DIRECTING THE LIGHTNING THIEF? IT'S DOOMED, DOOMED, DOOOOOMED! The actor for Percy looks like how I imagined Percy, which is good, but Colombus is known for sucky movies.

Jarom said...

I thought Harry Potter one and two were good. What's wrong with him?

Oldewindmill said...

He's a nut.
Harry Potter one and two were good, but not great. and this movie deserves to be great.
But also, the Lightning Thief is not the type of thing that he does well with. Columbus specializes in "feel-good" movies that target everyone or adventure movies that target little kids and pre-teens.
(Examples or both: Home Alone and all 50 or it's sequels and Night at the Museum 2).
He's good at what he does, but I'm not sure this is what he does. Percy Jackson and the Olympians deserves as much respect as Lord of the Rings and stuff, and it should deserve that respect and epicness. If the choice were up to me, I'd make David Yates or Peter Jackson do it.

Jarom said...

He he... Let's have Peter Jackson Make a Percy Jackson Movie!
