All right, here's the last of them.
Well, the next day we went to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. We were afraid they might be closed, since it was Forth of July, but just the contrary: They were having a huge celebration! I'm not going to put too many pictures because I'm getting sick of uploading them all.

A piece of the Berlin Wall

Air Force One

The Kingsbury's
The Norris's

Traci, Jared, Colin, and Ian
So all in all, I had a really good time. Thanks again to Grandma, Grandpa, Tami, Scott, Traci, and Jared for being willing to put up with me!

The Norris's

Traci, Jared, Colin, and Ian

So all in all, I had a really good time. Thanks again to Grandma, Grandpa, Tami, Scott, Traci, and Jared for being willing to put up with me!
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