And is a symbol of Strength

Yesterday I went to Gene Fullmer's swimming pool with Quin. No one came to his house before, so he was afraid no one was going to come. He was afraid he'd have to be with me for 3 hours. But then right as we got there, so did Maya and her little sister Lexi. I got to make friends with Lexi, and she's going to Midvale next year. After a while Rily showed up and so did Quin's friend Kat. We had a lot of fun. Afterwards, we went to Quin's house, where we found Aerin waiting. I was glad to see her again, especially because she was gone the last three days of school and I never got to say goodbye to her in person! But I'm going to see her again soon, especially because of the news she gave me: She's getting Baptised! Yet another thing to be excited about. Quin was really annoyed because he's not going to be home for it. But I'll be back from California, so I can't wait. All in all, I had a lot of fun. Next time, maybe I'll host!
It's official- I'm going to California! I'm so excited. I'm going to visit my family in San Diego with Grandma and Grandpa Norris. We leave Friday Morning, but I think I'm going to their house Thursday Afternoon. So I might not get to blog for 2 weeks, but I'm hoping I might be able to once or twice from California. I'm going to see Tami and Traci and Connor and Ian and Colin and maybe if I'm lucky Anna and Geoffry and Linc and Hari! Yay! Sorry, I'm rambling....
Hey guys! I was reading Garrett's Blog, and he said he was learning a new instrument. He said he wasn't going to tell, but it was the instrument I played. So I got permission to post the answer here. I play the Guitar, and I can't wait to see how well Garrett can play once he starts learning.
I've been writing some songs, too. I can only play two of them on my guitar, but I've written 3 others. The first one is called Today. It's about living every day to the fullest and seeing every day as a great day and finding happiness in small things. The second one (I can play the first and second ones) Is called You're the One. I wrote this one as sort of a religious song, so it's written to my Heavenly Father. It's about how I am willing to dedicate myself to him. (And Aerin, if you read this, there's your answer.) The third one is called The Perfect One. I was trying to think of what to write about, and I kept thinking "It seems like most songs these days are written about a special boy or girl... but I'm only 14, so I have no one to do that about." Or something to that effect. Our minds don't usually think in words, so when I try to write what I was thinking, it always sounds funny. Anyway, then I had this genius Idea- I could write about my dream girl! So I did, and I left descriptions vague enough so that it could be almost anyone. (Aerin is the only one who's seen these songs, and when she read that one she's like "Who is this about?")
I wrote two last night. The first, I'm on Your Side, is a song I've actually had the chorus to in my head for a long time. I just finally wrote the rest of the song and put it all together. The other... well, I haven't actually chosen a title for it. It's about my Grandpa Hall, who died when I was 1 or 2. It's about how I would imagine a visit to his house, and I wrote it from the eyes of a six to eight year old. I'm trying to decide whether to call it "So Much Love" or "I couldn't wait" or something else.
Well, thanks to you guys who come and are interested in my ramblings.
P.S. Here's links to the songs. Please know that all the songs are still being worked on.
http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgmjgp3z_7f28bz5hj- I Can't Wait
http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgmjgp3z_7f28bz5hj- I'm On Your Side
http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgmjgp3z_55q2vq79q- The Perfect One
http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgmjgp3z_3gp8d8tgp - Today
http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgmjgp3z_4d7wx97f7- You're the One
Hey All! I'm posting because I need to post today, and because I want to see if my Post signature actually works. Nothing's actually happened, so this is it.
Obviously, my goal is failing. But it doesn't seem like many people are reading the blog anyway. If your reading this, comment or e-mail me saying you are. Just a "I'm reading your blog" is fine.
So anyway, the past Thursday-Sunday was Youth Conferance. It was really fun. Thrusday we went up to the U of U and hiked up the mountain behind it. I hiked with Jericha and Katie most of the way, and we had a lot of fun. I think the highlight was near the top, when we turned back because it started thundering. Then it started hailing. It was funny to see all the youth run down the mountain screaming and going "Ow, Ow, Ow!" Trying to escape the attack of marble sized hailstones.After that we went to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple Open House as a group, which was fun. Then we had a Dinner and played Volleyball at the church. It was fun, but I didn't enjoy it as much because my leg felt like it was on fire.
The next day my leg felt better, and good thing because we went on another hike. We drove down to Goblin Valley and did the Little Wildhorse Canyon, which is a slot canyon. It's also my favorite hike because it's so fun and because I can do it without feeling really tired like I do on a hike like Jordan Parkway. After that, we went to Goblin Valley and had free time. Me, Tori, Brielle, and Riley all went straight to the huge rocks and started climbing them. Spencer did too, but he ran ahead of us so I didn't count him. I learned that Riley and Brielle have a mild fear of hights, and that Spencer doesn't care about falling from fifty feet up. Brother Michealis had to challenge him to a race to get him to come down. It was cool though, after me and Tori helped Brielle and Riley up to the top, to look over the valey that was on the other side of the rock wall. (And to look down the fifty foot drop that led down into the valley, but I don't think the others even tried to do that.) I also met Brother Linton's brother, Andy. (By the way, for those of you who don't know, Brother Linton is my Young Men's President, and he's also Alena's Uncle. So now I know her other uncle.) On the car ride there and back, I swapped stories with Sister Tuituvuki, Sister Thacker, Sister Briggs, and Brother Griffen. I think I learned more about Carl in the 6 hours talking to his mom than in the 2 years I've known him.
On Saturday it was more relaxed. We went to defferant peoples houses to learn about their personal history, and our group got the Brintons. Then we had some seminars about the temple, and Brother Michaelis played the song he wrote for us. Then we went to the Jordan River Temple to do baptisms for the dead. For some people, it was there first time. It was really cool.
Sunday was our ending. Jaden, Zac, Brielle, Spencer, Justine, Sister Soper, and I gave talks in sacrement meeting. Then we had combined third hour and we had a testimony meeting. It was pretty cool and really spiritual.
So my first Youth Conferance was really great. I can't wait for the next time we do something like that!
I decided I was going to try and blog every day this summer, so that this blog will be more interesting. Is it possible? No. I proved that by not being able to do it yesterday, which was day 1. But what's the point to life if you never try? Carpe Diem! ( Add that to my list of mottoes... That's probably a long list.) Yesterday I went to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple Open House with my family and my grandparents. I was looking for people from my ward, since we have to help with it. I didn't see anyone. Then we got to the sealing room, and we went it and there was our Bishop and his wife. For some reason, it surprised me. But It was cool, listening to them bear their testimonies about marriage in the sealing room. We have a great Bishop.
I'll talk to you next time I get on.
This Blog is BORING! I really need to post more often.
Lately the biggest thing has been the end of the year. Mom is really excited to be off work for the summer, and I'm excited for Yearbooks! (Isn't it so wierd that we are really excited and then all we write in each others are HAGS or KIT and it isn't really that interesting? I'm challenging you Middle Schoolers- try to personalize your signatures in some way!)
I'm kinda disapointed, though, because school is coming to a close. Call me a nerd, (I am one anyway) but I'm going to miss coming to school and having fun with my friends and all my classes. I really like school, except that little thing that comes with it- assignments. Lately, since it's near the end of the year, we've gotten a ton of final projects.
History- We listened to the song "We didn't Start the Fire" in class, and our project was to research certain years from that song and then make our own version. Making our own was pretty fun, you can see it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdVl05RACCg
Math- No big projects, but CRTs and review for next year. We have to go over a bunch of boring Algebra to get ready for Algebra 2
Tech- For Tech our final projects was to go to a bunch of websites she gave us and try out the programs to decide if they shoud be used in her curriculum next year.
Science- Our final project was called Mythbusters, which was basically choose a myth and research it. Ours was "Can Bubbles be destructive?" The answer is yes, they're called cavitation bubbles.
Spanish- This was the other big one. We had to make a book of all the grammar topics we studied this year, complete with Vocabulary appendix, Title, TofC and Introduction about ourselves. I worked hard on this, even stayed up til midnight a couple of times, but I got 104% on it.
Guitar- We had 2 Concerts, one for Parents and one for the School. It was really fun. Tomorrow is our Final Test, which is really easy. It's just showing him that we can do 3 picking patterns.
English- We had our Roots Final, our Diagramming Final, and our Richard III Final. Roots was pretty easy, Diagramming was really easy, as I've been doing it since 6th grade, and for Richard III I made a game show program and we asked questions from the play.
So it's all done now, and soon we'll be out. Boy, am I glad all of our big Projects are done. I feel relieved.
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