Hey guys! I was reading Garrett's Blog, and he said he was learning a new instrument. He said he wasn't going to tell, but it was the instrument I played. So I got permission to post the answer here. I play the Guitar, and I can't wait to see how well Garrett can play once he starts learning.
I've been writing some songs, too. I can only play two of them on my guitar, but I've written 3 others. The first one is called Today. It's about living every day to the fullest and seeing every day as a great day and finding happiness in small things. The second one (I can play the first and second ones) Is called You're the One. I wrote this one as sort of a religious song, so it's written to my Heavenly Father. It's about how I am willing to dedicate myself to him. (And Aerin, if you read this, there's your answer.) The third one is called The Perfect One. I was trying to think of what to write about, and I kept thinking "It seems like most songs these days are written about a special boy or girl... but I'm only 14, so I have no one to do that about." Or something to that effect. Our minds don't usually think in words, so when I try to write what I was thinking, it always sounds funny. Anyway, then I had this genius Idea- I could write about my dream girl! So I did, and I left descriptions vague enough so that it could be almost anyone. (Aerin is the only one who's seen these songs, and when she read that one she's like "Who is this about?")
I wrote two last night. The first, I'm on Your Side, is a song I've actually had the chorus to in my head for a long time. I just finally wrote the rest of the song and put it all together. The other... well, I haven't actually chosen a title for it. It's about my Grandpa Hall, who died when I was 1 or 2. It's about how I would imagine a visit to his house, and I wrote it from the eyes of a six to eight year old. I'm trying to decide whether to call it "So Much Love" or "I couldn't wait" or something else.
Well, thanks to you guys who come and are interested in my ramblings.
P.S. Here's links to the songs. Please know that all the songs are still being worked on.
http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgmjgp3z_7f28bz5hj- I Can't Wait
http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgmjgp3z_7f28bz5hj- I'm On Your Side
http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgmjgp3z_55q2vq79q- The Perfect One
http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgmjgp3z_3gp8d8tgp - Today
http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgmjgp3z_4d7wx97f7- You're the One
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Correct! Can't wait to hear the songs. You know, my cousin, (whose on the mission to England right now) can play the guitar amazingly well. He was teaching it before he left. And, he was asked if he wanted to audition for David Archelta's (is that how you spell it?) band. I think that's pretty cool. For the song about your grandfather, what about "Missing you"? SO, that's all I have to say.
Hmm... Missing You is good, but the song was written as if he was never gone. Thanks though.
No problem.
Wow, those songs are really good...
You should perform the songs and upload the video to youtube.
I'm not a very good singer... I tried recording my singing once, and it sounded really bad. Thanks though, All of you.
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