
SOOOOOOOO I couldn't think of something unique today, and didn't want to think too hard, so I went to my list of things I've been putting off because Kat keeps taking them and picked something.
I'M THANKFUL FOR ANIMALS. Especially cute, playful, cuddly ones. And doubly especially this one right here:

This is one of my best pictures of him... if only I could rotate it...

Can you tell that we have more pictures of him than anyone else? That's because he's the easiest to take pictures of, especially because he's a dork and so he'll do something wierd and we'll be like GO GET THE CAMERA!
So, yeah, this is my cuddly bundle of fun, Boo. Isn't he just the most cluelessly adorable thing you've ever seen?


Unknown said...

Copycat!!!!! How did I know you this was going to happen? :P

Jarom said...

Wait.. how did I know you this was going to wha-huh?

If you're talking about me doing I'm thankful for animals, I believe I TOLD YOU that I had that on a list of things to post about. :P

I don't believe that just because you did it first means I can't do it anymore.

;) Love ya.

Unknown said...

Haha. I don't believe you gave me a list of specifics because the only thing you said about it was that you had a list.

You can still do it if I did it first, you'll just look like a copycat. ;D Kidding.

Love you too. ;)
