I feel so hyper and thankful.
Yesterday in Priesthood we were supposed to have a lesson on the value of woman, but Brother McEntyre wanted to have a lesson on Gratitude, and we only had 15 minutes and no lesson prepared because Tate bailed at the last moment... so we went around and named things we were grateful for, with focus on the women we were thankful for.
I decided there are three groups of women I am very grateful for. You could say this is a grand gratefulness, or just a bunch of small ones but together. Take your pick.
1. My Mom! She could go in the next category, but I think she deserves her own. My mom is the best.
Wow, I really don't have many photos of her... so here's one from her birthday...
2. All the other girls in my family. I have awesome grandma's, a weirdo fun little sister, cool aunts and cousins...
Grandma Norris... Daggett, I can't find any pictures of Grandma Hall... lame sauce... I'll have to get some on Thursday...

And here's a picture of my beautiful little sister... I think this was right before she was baptised.
This is my awesome aunt Megan and her dog Stintson (??? on spelling) She's my mom's youngest sister. Oh, and she (and my aunt Anna) is having a baby! Yay for cousins!
And this is my cousin Summer. She's really cool. This and the picture above it were taken at our Family Campout this last summer.
3. All my fabulous friends! I have friends in my ward, in my school, and across the country!
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