Things to Strive For

I'm thankful for things to strive for. Things to work for. Things to work and strive to become. Here's a few of the things that I am always trying to be.

  1. A better person! I always want to be better. There's always some way I can improve.
  2. A good friend. I want to be a good friend to everyone. I want people to see me as a good friend.
  3. An intellectual. A wise man. Someone who knows what they're talking about, someone who always has good advice and a good view of things, who can use his knowledge and wisdom to help people.
  4. A gentleman. Many of you know that that's something I really want to be. I want to be the one of whom people think "Wow... he's so nice. So courteous." (Plus I have a really big pet peeve for people who aren't courteous.)
  5. A servant. I love to help people. It just brightens up my day. I want people to know that when they need help with anything, weather it's a math problem, an opinion, or they just need something carried for them, they can always count on me.
  6. A shoulder to cry on. This goes with the previous one. I want to be the person that people know they can count on. The person that my friends know cares about them, a lot. The person that people know they can go to, because I'll always care.
  7. A pillar of strength. An example. Someone that somebody can look to and see a hero, a role model. Some who is strong and is always willing to share his strength.
  8. A spiritual giant. Someone who has a deep spirit, and you can tell when they talk. Someone who can bring the spirit into something, and who always has it with them.
  9. A fountain of joy. An exciting person. Someone who just radiates happiness. Someone who you look at their smile and you can't help feeling happy yourself. Someone who people enjoy being around because he's never dull or boring.
  10. Remembered. I want remember me as all of the things above. I want people to think of me and think "He was one of the kindest people I knew. He was a good friend, a great person, and he always wanted to help me."
Maybe I'm a rambling lunatic. But that doesn't matter. What matters is how people will think of you. And it doesn't matter if they don't like your clothes or they think you're ugly. But it does matter if they think you're a jerk or a gentleman. I hope to be the person that people like simply because I was the person who brightened their day.


Unknown said...

Wonderful things to strive for. :) I think you're well on your way.
