Yep, you got it. Today is Robby's Birthday. Yeah, the little weirdo who gets on my chat and tries to pretend to be me, but always fails because he can't spell. ("What? I thought 'Maybe' was spelled 'm-a-b-e-y'!") The little weirdo who come to mutual with me and makes CARL cover his ears. The little weirdo that carries invites to parties from my friends at Sunset Ridge in return for being able to come to the party.
But here's the weird thing: Today he turns 13. Yep, he's a teenager! O.o (He he... I've never used that smiley before.)
So, my little weirdo is now a priesthood holder, middle-schooler, teenager.
*Laugh*... When he went into middle school, I asked a couple of my friends to befriend him. One of them was Raechel's little sister, Elaine, but I asked Raechel if Elaine couldn't stand him yet, and she said "Yeah. She couldn't stand him from the start." One of the other one's was Jaden, and she said "Robby's okay... I just don't approve of his friends." I freaked out a little at this, but then I was like "Who does he hang out with??" And she said "That Michealis boy..." (For those of you who don't know, that Michealis boy is Jaron Michealis, who I used to carpool with. Jaden can't stand him. Then again, neither can I sometimes.)
So, Here's to Robby, my little weirdo, my little buddy!

Thanks for being a fun person. Thanks for being my little weirdo. I hope that we can be friends- After all, I have a lot to teach you as you're going through Middle School!
Tell him I said "Happy birthday!".
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