Holy Fire-Breathing Chickens, that was nuts. My communications totally died, and I couldn't talk with anyone by Jeremiah and Mandi. Kat totally freaked, Mandi laughed at me, and Jeremiah was frantically trying to help me. I'm really worried about all these computer failures.

Anyways, I got tagged by Kat! (Don't remember what that means? It means that if I tag you at the end, you have to fill out the same thing I did!)

Candy/Sweet: White Chocolate or Dulce de Leche Ice Cream
Movie: Umm... That's hard... I like Battle for Terra, and I really want to see Lord of the Rings!
Color: Sky Blue!
Accessory: Glasses, Watch, and CTR ring!
Piece of Clothing: Jacket (My mom made me get a new one... it's okay though)
Thing to do: Write, Hang out with friends, play video games.
Quote: "I have a desk." (That's subject to change soon. It always is.)
Food: Umm.... I dunno. See the first one, I guess.
Book: The Lightning Thief, Eragon,
Name: Hold on, let me find the conversation we had on this... Ah, here's my list! (Yes, I have a list. It's probably not complete, though.) Dawn, Summer, Skyler, Maya, Aerin, Katlyn, Tyraneus, Darius, Seth.
Piece of Jewelry: Umm... CTR Ring!
TV Show: Wipeout

I tag Elizabeth, Jeremiah, Matthew, and Mom!


Jeremiah said...

I don't think I'll be doing this on my site, since I'm trying to maintain a professional seeming blog so that I have a higher chance of getting projects to work on. But I'll try to figure out where I can do this.

Jarom said...

I should probably explain the whole "I have a desk" thing...

It's actually from the Priesthood session of this last conferance. President Uchtdorf talked about how when he was a kid, he thought that his friend was really lucky that he had a desk.

Well, President Eyring gets up for his talk and he starts with "This is a vial of consecrated oil I keep in my desk at work"

Then he turns around to President Uchtdorf and says "I have a desk."
